Objectives & Actions


Uncovering Skills: Data Mining and NLP Perspectives

Employing data mining and natural language processing methodologies

Crafting Intelligent Agents for Data Insights

Leveraging state-of-the-art software development, data analysis and applied statistics principles

Predicting European Labor Market Skills with ML and Explainability

Identifying the current and future skills shortages along with emerging competencies in the European Labour Market,

Elevating Workforce Skills: Policy Insights and Observatory

Highlighting the importance of workforce upskilling and vocational training

Fostering Transnational Workforce Excellence

SKILLAB, uniting ten partners across six European countries, aims to elevate workforce skills


Implementing robust data collection mechanisms to gather information on existing job skills and competencies within the European Union. The consortium’s mission encompasses enhancing vocational training, refining existing European initiatives, and establishing a robust skills forecasting and monitoring observatory. 

Monitoring and identifying emerging trends in job skills and competencies through continuous analysis of labor market dynamics and technological advancements. The consortium’s mission encompasses enhancing vocational training, refining existing European initiatives, and establishing a robust skills forecasting and monitoring observatory. 

Collaborating with key stakeholders, including educational institutions, industry associations, and government bodies, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of evolving skill demands.

mplement mechanisms to validate the effectiveness of vocational training by tracking the success and employability of graduates in the workforce. Use this feedback loop to refine and improve training programs continually.

Utilizing predictive analytics and machine learning to forecast future job skills, anticipating industry needs and technological shifts.

Providing transparent and accessible reports on job skill trends, ensuring that the information is easily interpretable by various stakeholders. Monitoring and identifying emerging trends in job skills and competencies through continuous analysis of labor market dynamics and technological advancements.

Formulating evidence-based policy recommendations to address skill gaps and foster an environment conducive to workforce development. Regularly assess and align vocational training curricula with the latest job skill trends identified through ongoing research and monitoring efforts.

Develop a system for updating and modifying course content dynamically. This allows for the integration of the latest industry-relevant skills and ensures that vocational training programs are agile and responsive to changing demands.