Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas

The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH), founded in 2000 in Greece, is listed among the TOP-20 E.U. research institutions with the highest participation in competitive research grants. It is a legal entity governed by private law with non-profit status, supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Greek Ministry of Development and Investments. CERTH consists of five institutes in various research fields. The Information Technology Institute (ITI) is one of the leading Institutions in Greece in the fields of Informatics, Telematics, and Telecommunications. It is active in many research domains such as Security and Surveillance, Image and Signal Processing, Computer & Cognitive Vision, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Multimedia, Energy, Cloud Computing, IoT, and Big Data Analytics. CERTH/ITI has participated in more than 300 research projects funded by the European Commission (FP5-FP6-FP7 & H2020) and more than 200 research projects funded by Greek National Research Programmes. In SKILLAB, CERTH will serve the project from the role of an expert on AI and Machine Learning technologies, contributing to the development of frameworks, methodologies and analytical solutions for the identification, monitoring and prediction of the desired / uprising skills, as well as the recommendation of policies for upskilling / reskilling current competencies with respect to SSH principles.