The Project at a glance

The SKILLAB project aims at developing a holistic skills management and shortage identification platform that will monitor the demand of European organizations and entities for specific skillsets, the supply of skills by job-seekers and potential employees along with European policies on the subject and will propose targeted strategies, curiculla development, policies and job advancement suggestions. Highlighting the importance of workforce upskilling and vocational training by generating policies for hiring bodies, offering suggestions for improvement on existing European initiatives and providing a reliable skills forecasting and monitoring observatory.

At the core of the proposed framework lies the leveraging of Artificial Intelligence techologies that will harness high-volumes of labour market, organizational and European taxonomies and initiatives data and will reduce the labour gaps and shortages on a regional, sectoral and geographical level. SKILLAB is the joint effort of 10 partners from 6 European countries. Contributing to the enhancement of the European Labour market and the Pact for Skills by delivering a hub targeted towards educational paths for upskilling and reskilling, HR strategies and guidelines for optimal candidate recruitment, recommendations for policymakers on skills shortages and mismatches and the identification of emerging skills and roles


SKILLAB Platform

Title: SKILLAB – Monitoring Monitoring The Demand And Supply

Grant Agreement No: 101006560

Topics: European Job skills, European Labour Market

Duration: 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026

Funded under: H2020-EU.5.f., H2020-EU.5.b.

Funding Scheme: CSA – Coordination and Support Action

Overall Budget: € 3.000.000

Coordinator: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR